Become a Sponsor

Thank you for considering becoming a sponsor for Cooking for a Cause. Your support will make a huge difference in Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County's effort to feed every homebound senior in Spokane County who face crippling food insecurity.
Would you like to download a PDF file of our sponsorship opporunities for Cooking for a Cause? Click below!

Sponsorship Levels
007 Sponsor

Logo displayed as top sponsor in main ballroom, on big screen and on all promo material.
Special recognition as top sponsor at event and 3 minutes to speak and highlight business.
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Free sponsorship opportunity at Meals on Wheels GSC event.
Section of website dedicated to business.
Will be included in all promos for the next year.
Live ceremony photo opp with guests on stage with professional photographer Tami Siriani.
Search engine optimized blog article on website.
Article with ad in Meals on Wheels GSC monthly newsletter.
Two tables with signage and 16 seats.
Only 1 Available!
International Spy Sponsor

Recognition as International Spy Sponsor in main ballroom, big screen and event program.
Special introduction as International Spy Sponsor during ceremony
Large logo on stage
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Feature in Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County monthly newsletter.
Search engine optimized blog post on website.
One table with signage and 8 seats.
Only 1 Available!
Assassin Sponsor

Recognition as Assassin Sponsor in main ballroom, big screen and event program.
Special introduction as Assassin Sponsor during ceremony.
Large logo on the stage.
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Feature in Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County monthly newsletter.
Search engine optimized blog post on website.
One table with signage and 8 seats.
Only 1 Available!
Royal Flush Sponsor

Logo on big screen and event program. Special signage and recognition on all silent auction tables.
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Feature in Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County's monthly newsletter to clients and volunteers.
Search engine optimized blog post on website.
One table with signage and 8 seats.
Only 1 Available!
Ace of Spades Sponsor

Logo on big screen and event program.
Special Signage at featured music display at event.
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Feature in Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County monthly newsletter.
Search engine optimized blog post on website.
One table with signage and 8 seats.
Order Soon!
Full House Sponsor

Logo on big screen and event program.
Special signage featured on registration desk.
Table Sign.
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Feature in Meals on Wheels Greater Spokane County's monthly newsletter.
Blog posted on website highlighting business.
Search engine optimized blog post on website.
One table with signage and 8 seats.
Order Soon!
High Roller Sponsor

Logo on big screen and event program.
Special signage featured on help desk at event.
Table Sign
Recognition on Cooking for a Cause website and social media for one year.
Blog posted on website highlighting business.
Search engine optimized blog post on website.
Four tickets to event.